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Animation Projects

Personal Projects


These are personal projects I am working on in my free time.

Valor Falling Rough

"Curse of the Fold" Rough Animatic pt. 1

Howl Can I Help You?  -  12-to-12 Animation


Every spring the Interactive Media Department at Bradley University hosts a 12-to-12 Animation Jam where teams of students compete by staying up for 24 hours to produce an animation based on a competition wide theme. In February 2020, we were fortunate enough to be sponsored by the Morton based company, FLOAT. I was a team captain and a lead animator for my team, and produced this animation based on the theme "Justice". The competition was judged by Bill Wise, Supervising Technical Director at Pixar Animation Studios.

Francis and Ozzy - Claymation


I created this claymation with my friend
and classmate Perry Devlin. It was made for
one of our animation classes our junior year.

Change Lab Animations

Various animations done while working for Change Lab. The Art style was a line-less motion graphics type style and was created using a combination of
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator,and Apple's Procreate App.

Health Care Animation Ad Recreation Project


Worked as part of a team to recreate a motion graphic style advertisement for a heath care organization. I focused on creating the art assets and color palette and aided in the compiling of the project. Done using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.

Hunted - First College Animation


This animation is the first animation I did at Bradley University. It is an intro scene for a simple platformer video game of the same name, which I also made. It focuses on a melanistic (dark colored) lion as he is hunted by poachers. It is a bit rough towards the end but I very much like the art style I used at the time.

"Lets Light this Candle" - Bradley Hollywood Semester 2019 Animation Opener


This animation was done in my free time as a potential opener for my Hollywood Semester class music video. While this animation wasn't ultimately used, I was pleased enough to give it its own little section. The saying of the semester was
"Let's Light this Candle!" and I wanted
to reflect that in the opener.

Frame-by-Frame Techniques


Created during my 2D animation class to practice the classic techniques used in 2D animation.

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